Community Engagement Initiative

Click the image below to view the January 2023 Community Connection Newsletter

BLLC Community Connection January 2023

See the latest Community Stat Report:
- Dec 2020 6-Month Summary 

Check out this month's calendar - TBD

* Welcome Packet

The Board of Liquor License Commissioners for Baltimore City (BLLC) is working to make sure all stakeholders are connected to our work through our Community Engagement Initiative. To this end, the agency has created a new Community Liaison position, which was recently filled by Matt Achhammer.

The BLLC seeks to conduct outreach proactively to communities across the City. The agency looks forward to attending your community or business association meeting. The BLLC will offer a brief presentation on the operations and capabilities of the Liquor Board (about 10 minutes) and allow for questions. Additionally, the Community Liaison will remain throughout and after the meeting for any questions that participants wish to ask in a more confidential manner. 

Matt Achhammer can be reached by email by clicking here, cell phone number (410) 241-6525, or at the main office (410) 396-4377.